IPERION CHIntegrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage
IPERION CH success stories

IPERION CH success stories

Read and download the IPERION CH success stories Now available some IPERION CH success stories: ARCHLAB. Science in archives: How to find data about science MOLAB. Innovative tools and strategies for conservation FIXLAB. The deep side of art (soon...

MOLAB, ARCHLAB and FIXLAB – 3rd call for proposals

MOLAB , ARCHLAB and FIXLAB have launched their 3d call for proposals. MOLAB: Deadline September 15th, 2016 ARCHLAB: Deadline September 15th, 2016 FIXLAB: Deadlines September 15th, October 1st,  October 15th, 2016  MOLAB enables European users to develop...